Is U.S.-China relations expected to warm up? Washington Post exclusive: "Visit" will debut in San Francisco in November, and whether Xi Jinping can attend the appointment is the focus

Publish day : 2023.10.06

The November meeting in San Francisco is still inconclusive, but an American official told China Post on condition of anonymity that he is very sure that the two will have a meeting and that the White House is already planning; Another U.S. official said Biden was looking forward to meeting with Xi, but he said the so-called meeting had not yet been cleared. The news pointed out that Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi will soon visit Washington, when the relevant details of the "meeting meeting" are expected to be settled.

Washington Post pointed out that the November meeting, if successful, will be the first meeting between the leaders of the world's two largest economies since last November. Although both stressed the importance of face-to-face diplomacy and hoped that relations between the two countries would get back on track after the "high-altitude spy balloon incident" in February this year, U.S.-China relations took a sharp turn for the worse because Beijing was dissatisfied with Biden's order to shoot down "civilian balloons" that China claimed were not for "espionage".

However, after the low tide in U.S.-China relations, the White House began to frequently send digital ministers to Beijing to try to restart communication channels. The officials visiting China include Secretary of State Antony BlinkenSpecial Climate Envoy John KerryTreasury Secretary Janet Yellen, and Commerce Secretary RaimondoGina Raimondo)。 White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan also held two-day talks with Wang in Malta last month, and the White House described the dialogue as frank, substantive and constructive. (Related: U.S. Senate Bipartisan Delegation Visits Beijing Next Week!) Schumer: I want to establish a framework for dialogue "based on American values" | more articles).

Despite repeated overtures of goodwill by the United States, high-level military exchanges between the United States and China are still blocked. In March this year, Xi Jinping accused Western countries led by the United States of containing, encircling and suppressing China, bringing unprecedented and severe challenges to China's development. China's Ministry of State Security published an article on its WeChat public account last month, saying that Xi Jinping's meeting with Biden depends on "the United States needs to show enough sincerity." The Washington Post pointed out that China's top security establishment does not usually comment on foreign policy, which is quite rare.


The Chinese embassy in the United States did not specifically comment on the Washington Post's "Visit" report, but an embassy spokesman said in an email that the two countries still maintain exchanges and need to expand sincere cooperation. The White House also did not comment on this. Danny Russel, a former White House adviser for Asian affairs, said that if Xi Jinping chooses to miss the APEC summit again after missing international meetings one after another, the outside world may think that "China's political economy is really in a big problem", but Russell also said that Biden and Xi Jinping may not be willing to make substantive concessions, no matter what agreement is reached at the "meeting", I am afraid it is only tactical and temporary.